Australian Oats

It starts when a little seedling springs to life and ends in a scrumptious breakfast worth savouring. Our love for real food that is good for your gut means your award-winning Brushwood oats are always 100% pure, 100% ethical, 100% whole grain and 100% fresh.

Would you like to receive our fresh oats on a regular basis? Sign up to our Oats on Subscription service to have our rolled oats, groats and steel-cut oats delivered to your doorstep every month, every 6 weeks or every 2 months. Click here to find out more.

Natural Skincare

Feel great inside and out with our all-natural hand soaps and lotions. Even the most sensitive skin can benefit from the calming oats and ultra-moisturising olive oil that infuse our products.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Made from fruit cultivated with care – and a little help from Mother Nature – your award-winning Brushwoods Fresh Olive Oil tastes so divine even the Italians are jealous. Unrivalled in quality, we guarantee it will always be 100% pure, 100% first cold pressed and 100% extra virgin.

Wholesale enquiries

We welcome wholesale and food service enquiries. We tailor our solutions to the needs of your business to ensure that we can work together for the long term. Please fill in the form on the Contact Us page, and we’ll get in touch.

I'm taking a short break!


Howdy visitor, I’m actually taking a brief break and wanted to let you know that any orders placed after midday Saturday 18th Jan will not be shipped until Monday 27th January.  I know, the wait might be torture but you know good things come to those who wait – just saying.  Apologies for the inconvenience.