Here you’ll find the Brushwoods community discussing everything from food that is good for your gut to sustainable farming and whether oats are gluten-free. If you are interested in finding out more about where your food comes from and the benefits of natural produce read on.

Brushwoods meets Graziher Winter 2019

Brushwoods meets Graziher Winter 2019

First generation farmer Kendra Kerrisk traded her white laboratory coat for a life on the land and she’s never looked back. She walks Emily Herbert along her path, from self-taught olive grower to the pitfalls and emotional yields of sustainable farming.

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Coeliac & Oats: Clarifying the Confusion

Coeliac & Oats: Clarifying the Confusion

Are oats gluten free? That’s a question I’m always being asked at our Farmers Markets, so when I found this blog that dietician and nutritionist Marika Day had written to clarify the confusion about coeliac and oats, gluten-free oats and uncontaminated oats, I just knew we had to share it with you (with Marika’s blessing).

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Do you understand your oats?

Do you understand your oats?

Ashleigh is an Accredited Practising Dietitian and owner of Feed Your Future Dietetics. She holds a Master of Nutrition and Dietetics and a Bachelor of Human Nutrition. Ashleigh is also a qualified personal trainer and group fitness instructor and has been working in the fitness industry for over 10 years. Ashleigh was an elite gymnast as well as an elite rock climber where she represented Australia for four years. She believes everyone deserves to live a life of health and wellness. Ashleigh passionate about helping people achieve their highest quality of life through nutrition, mental health and exercise. For more information see or follow her on Instagram or Facebook @FeedYourFutureDietetics.

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Bar Soap – Lover or Hater?

Bar Soap – Lover or Hater?

Olive oil soap is not a new thing but its pretty big in the hand-made, hand-crafted, artisanal world these days.  I'm an olive oil producer who hates wastage.  I just knew that we had to do something with the olive oil that we can’t bottle.  In the most part, its...

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Hot, Harsh Reality of the Drought

Hot, Harsh Reality of the Drought

The Brushwoods olive grove is estimated to be around 17 years old and has been under our care since 2014.  It is fair to say that when we kicked off, we knew nothing and sourcing information about what to expect was really, really tricky. I made myself a promise that...

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Food Consumers Define the Future of Food

Food Consumers Define the Future of Food

One thing that I have come to learn over the years is that many of us have an opinion about how our food is produced but we have removed ourselves from our responsibility as a consumer.   Its that whole ‘all care, no responsibility’ attitude.  I want to take just a...

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Oats and the gluten free diet

Oats and the gluten free diet

So you’re confused about whether or not oats contain gluten – let me tell you, are not alone!!  Let me try and take away the confusion without getting too technical. The term ‘gluten’ is used to collectively describe the parts of grain storage protein from wheat, rye,...

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Extra Virgin Olive Oil what’s all the fuss about?

Extra Virgin Olive Oil
what’s all the fuss about?

The truth is that the healthiest olive oil is Extra Virgin but it has to be fresh and must have been stored correctly. There are a whole bunch of things to watch out for. To understand the difference between Extra Virgin and Virgin Olive Oil click on the link below -...

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